Wednesday, 2 June 2010

The First Day and Last Day

Today marked the first day of service with the Peace Corps and thus, the last day of being in the U.S.

After arrival the night before, my roommate, Crystal Leanza, and I headed out to explore a bit of Philadelphia with another trainee. Located in the center of town, the hotel allowed us to easily walk to City Hall and Reading Terminal Market where Crystal picked up seeds for her soon-to-be-planted garden.

In front of City Hall - notice the Peace Corps swag!

I asked him to take a a picture...and instead of grabbing my camera,
he jumped in and smiled!

At what Peace Corps calls "Staging," trainees are welcomed into the PC family, paperwork is finished up, and introductions are made for the first time. Though having any large group where no one knows each other can become quite awkward (ice breakers and drawing on posters!), the 43 of us arrive with a common purpose: to serve in the U.S. Peace Corps! We'll spend the next three months with each other in Cameroon to receive language, cultural, and technical training.

Our aspirations and anxieties...including hippo attacks!

Rise and shine at 6AM tomorrow to get yellow fever vaccinations and then off to JFK to leave for Cameroon!

1 comment:

Crystal Dawn said...

Ahh I can't wait to have chickens too!

And you can save up for your donkey;)